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TreeKI – Eine Künstliche Intelligenz, die Baumarten bestimmt

Workshop in German

Would you like to learn more about trees? Then visit our workshop and get to know TreeKI. This is an artificial intelligence (AI) that helps you to identify tree species. In our workshop we dive into the world of plants and explore why and how plant researchers can capture plant diversity with the help of AI. Playfully, you will learn what and how our AI prototype has learned and you can test it with your own photos. You use this self-collected data (photos) to recognise tree species with TreeKI. You will find out whether this works with all pictures, such as autumn leaves or even your own drawings.

TreeKI was developed by the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center together with the Zurich University of Teacher Education as part of the Agora project “Biotinkering for Youth” (Swiss National Science Foundation) and the innovation project “Making in the classroom” (digitalisation initiative of the Zurich universities). The aim of both projects is to promote digital and creative skills among children and young people.