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Schwingerkönig trifft auf Hirnforscher

In the Scientifica Talk, «Schwingerkönig» Matthias Glarner and neuroscientist Johannes Bohacek talk about mental performance and life after wrestling.

A prominent personality chooses a scientist to talk to: That’s the idea behind Scientifica Talks.

Wrestling may not hold the world together, but at least it holds Switzerland together. This is demonstrated every three years when the Swiss Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival takes place. Last year, 400,000 people attended the event.

We are delighted that Matthias Glarner, the 2016 «Schwingerkönig» (Wrestling King), is coming to Scientifica to tell us some background information about this fascinating sport. But also what a Wrestling King does in everyday life after his career. As a partner for the Scientifica Talk, he has asked for a neuroscientist, for example, to learn more about how the brain influences performance.

Johannes Bohacek is an assistant professor at the Institute of Neuroscience at ETH Zurich. He wants to better understand the effects of stress on health and disease and is therefore looking at how stressful experiences change brain function.

The talk will be moderated by Stefan Flury, editor and presenter at Swiss Radio SRF.