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Optically levitated particles: Sensors for the forces that hold our world together

Guided tour in German and English

Light exerts forces and these can be harnessed. Small particles can be captured in laser traps and used as measuring devices for extremely weak forces. At the ETH Photonics Laboratory we develop such optical traps as solutions for difficult measurement problems. On the other hand, we are interested in a very fundamental question concerning quantum mechanics. This physical theory provides an extremely precise description of our world on the microscopic scale, for example of atoms. However, we do not observe any quantum effects in our daily life. It is possible that there is a mechanism, as yet unknown to us, that determines the transition from the quantum world to the classical world and thus, in a sense, holds the classical world together.

In this lab tour, visitors will get an insight into an optical research lab at ETH. We show our experiments on the levitation of nanoparticles and share our fascination for the exploration of the fundamental laws of nature and their technical exploitation.