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Abfall verbrennen und Abfall vermeiden: Zürich im Spagat


Panel discussion and short tour (in German)


Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich (ERZ) is undertaking a significant endeavor by expanding the capacity of the Hagenholz waste incineration plant (KVA) with a third incineration line. Simultaneously, ERZ is actively promoting circular efficiency in the city by encouraging residents, businesses, and industries to minimize waste generation. The question arises: How does the city of Zurich reconcile the objective of burning more waste with the goal of resource conservation?

Join ERZ and a panel of experts in a thought-provoking discussion as they shed light on how Zurich manages this delicate balancing act between waste incineration and prevention. Visitors will also have the opportunity to gain exclusive insights into the operations of the Hagenholz waste incineration plant through a brief behind-the-scenes tour.


Dr. Melanie Haupt, Geschäftsführerin realcycle GmbH
Daniel Locher, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter AWEL, Baudirektion Kanton Zürich
Felix Meier, Geschäftsleiter Stiftung Pusch

Müll hinter Glas
Entsorgungsstelle ERZ