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Natürlich ist gut, oder doch nicht?! Ein interaktiver Umweltphilosophie-Workshop

Workshop in German

Based on different questions and exemplary cases, participants will discuss their intuitions on the topic of “natural vs. artificial”. What criteria do we apply when we describe objects, landscapes and organisms as natural or artificial? Such considerations are relevant because they always involve the questions: “Is naturalness good?”; “Are natural things better than artificial?”; “Should these questions guide us in our ethical decision-making?”

Such questions can in turn be discussed by drawing on different examples, which can be debated during the workshop. For example: “Are farmed organic tomatoes natural?”; “Are we allowed to reintroduce species into certain ecosystems in the name of conservation, or even genetically modify them for this purpose?”

In this workshop we will discuss these issues and address ideas from environmental philosophy in this regard. Previous knowledge of philosophy is not necessary. Different opinions on the topic are welcome.