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Was Welten in Zukunft zusammen hält

Interactive exhibition and workshops about AI and Virtual Reality (in German)

During Scientifica 2023, the Digitization Initiative of Zurich Universities (DIZH) opens its doors and invites visitors to explore the interface between science, society and technology. Together we will take a look into the future and ask ourselves how learning, work and living together will change. We invite you to participate in interactive exhibitions and workshops and experience the diversity of possibilities of virtual reality, digital immersion and mixed realities.

How will we work in the future? (UZH)

Experience virtual organizational environments and discover how virtual reality can be used to create fulfilling work experiences.
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Learning for the future (PHZH)

Children in 5th grade and up are invited to the “Scissors, Rock, micro:bit” workshop, where they can play an interactive scissors-rock-paper duel using microcontrollers. In the “LED Lights Workshop”, families with children aged 6 and up can build glowing cards, flashlights or name tags together and learn about the basics of electronics and circuits.

What can Artificial Intelligence do? (ZHAW)

Interact with a robotic dog that recognizes hand signals, experience a computer game controlled by thought, and test your communication skills against an AI-based taboo champion.
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A look behind the shiny surfaces of the tech industry (ZHdK and UZH).

Virtually immerse yourself in the lives of miners in small-scale gold mining in the Kamituga region (Democratic Republic of Congo) with “Kamituga | Digital Gold VR”.
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How are bodies digitally represented? (ZHdK)

Using machine learning models, explore new ways of representing and configuring bodies and experiences by transforming a two-dimensional image into a volumetric animation.
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How do we want to live? A journey through time (ZHAW)

Take a journey through time to the year 2050, discuss hopes, wishes, worries and fears regarding the digital future and explore the importance of human relationships and social reliability in digital worlds.
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Better apprenticeship exams with virtual reality

A joint project of the ZHAW and PH Zurich shows that virtual learning environments are very promising in company training.
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Come by and be inspired by the future of digitalization and discover what holds our world together!