Smart sensors for autonomous cars and drones

Smart sensors that provide real-time data are essential in many industries today. Experience the potential of this technology first-hand with an autonomous car race and self-flying nano-drones.

D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning is a leading research group specializing in smart sensor applications for autonomous robotics. Our mission is to push the boundaries of technology and develop innovative solutions that revolutionize various industries and applications.

We have a particular focus on energy-efficient smart sensors, which are crucial for enabling intelligent operation of autonomous robots and vehicles. These smart sensors provide real-time data, empowering robotic systems to optimize performance, and to ensure safe operations. However, our work extends beyond robotics. We are deeply committed to making a positive social impact in various fields, ranging from biomedical applications that revolutionize healthcare to space exploration. We firmly believe in harnessing technology to address global challenges and create a sustainable world.

At our booth, you will find interactive demonstrations showcasing the capabilities of our smart sensor technologies. These include an  F1 autonomous car race and autonomous nano-drones. Our experts will be available to answer questions, share insights about our projects, and discuss the potential applications of embedded systems and smart sensors.