Life on other planets

Can humans survive on other planets, and if so, how? Using bioreactors, it becomes clear that researchers often draw inspiration from nature to answer this question.

The colonization of space is increasingly moving from being a topic for science fiction plots to a concrete scientific challenge. But how can humans survive on other planets? To answer this question, researchers often turn to the technique of biomimicry. This takes inspiration from living organisms on Earth when developing new technologies.

During Scientifica 2021, Space Innovation will present bioreactors as an example of such technologies. Bioreactors used for life support systems in space mimic the cycle of food production on Earth: consumption, waste production and the reuse of waste products in a closed loop. Bioreactors are also used for artificial production of biological tissues and in pharmaceuticals.

At our booth, we invite visitors to reflect on how nature inspires the development of future technologies. With surprising facts and examples, we show how closely nature and space science are connected.