Latest Past Events

Wie Singvögel lernen

What neural principles underlie the vocal learning and imitation behaviour of songbirds? Neuroscientist Richard Hahnloser presents his experimental and theoretical models, which he uses to investigate signal processing in the neurons of songbirds. His work aims to decipher the neuronal networks of the song system and to explain their structural and functional plasticity in response […]

Sölled mir nöd Duzis machä?

Germany and Switzerland are linked not only by their geographical proximity, but also by their common language. However, the communicative routines (e.g. greetings) are different and communicative misunderstandings occur again and again in everyday life. How exactly does our communication behaviour differ? Is it true, for example, that people in Switzerland are quicker to switch […]

Forschung für die Energiewende

Based on the "SWEET-SURE" research project, we show how the Swiss energy system can be transformed to make the energy supply more environmentally friendly and secure. We will look at new technologies, the role of consumers and the costs of this transformation. For the younger participants, we have a little puzzle ready, with which they […]