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Endlich ohne Rückenschmerzen

Who does not know back pain? Low back pain is one of the most common diseases worldwide. Over 85 percent of people are affected at some point in their lives. There are many different causes of back pain. Thus, a one-size-fits-all treatment strategy is therefore unsatisfactory and ineffective. This Science Café describes back pain from […]

Gespräche mit Überlebenden

Where would we be without memories? They are central elements of a biographical construction of meaning and identity and hold our life world together. But what happens when memories are painful? What if they are connected with traumas that go back to state injustice and are perhaps not even expressible? Memories are always individual and […]

Meine Daten in der Medizin – was leisten sie, warum soll ich sie hergeben?

Those who enter a hospital or receive medical treatment are frequently being asked to release their health-related data for research. Some patients may ask themselves: Why should I make my data and samples available for research purposes? What will happen to them? How is my data protected? Who benefits from the knowledge that is obtained? […]