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Regain Control: Fighting Incontinence with Stem Cells

Dr. Deana Mohr-Haralampieva, CEO at MUVON Therapeutics AG and Project Leader at MUVON (Wyss Zurich)

Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells can safely be used in regenerative therapies. Their potential to develop into specific tissues gives them the unique ability to restore function to damaged tissues and organs. This ability can be used in the treatment of various injuries and diseases such as spinal cord injury, heart failure and urinary incontinence. At MUVON Therapeutics, a biotech spin-off from the University of Zurich, we focus on the development of a safe and effective therapy for stress urinary incontinence using the patient’s own muscle stem cells. After 12 years of pre-clinical research, clinical trials began in January 2020. Come and find out how we reached this milestone. Experts will share insights into how adult stem cells are safely used in personalized medicine and what advantages autologous (using the patient’s own cells) therapies bring, as well as answer questions you may have.