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Liquid Theology – Theological Beer Camp

How research is done in theology and what it has to do with beer
Science Café in German

Religiosity – experience or construct? Naturally evolving – or shaped or even deformed by dogmas and institutions? How does religiosity relate to religious systems in late modern times? And how does theology as an academic disciplin fit in? Where does digitalization promote the fluidity and dynamics of lived theology and religion?

Theological discussions have long been associated with beer, and in recent times increasingly so again (https://trippfuller.com/podcasts/). The Theological Beer Camp invites you to join in the brewing of theology: in dialogue and across denominations, or simply to listen to how theology is researched, what it is and where its social relevance lies.


  • Dr. Sabrina Müller, Managing Director University Research Priority Program «Digital Religion(s)», Project Manager: «Hermeneutic dynamics of individual and communal Christian meaning-making in a digital culture», University of Zurich
  • Dr. Jasmine Suhner, Project Manager: «Interreligious Challenges and Learning in a Digital Society», UFSP «Digital Religion(s)», University of Zurich