How do we want to live? A journey through time

Take a trip back in time to the year 2050, discuss hopes, wishes, worries and fears regarding the digital future, and explore the importance of human relationships and social reliability in digital worlds.

Digital tools and networks offer us humans many opportunities and advantages these days. They fascinate, make our work easier, enable contact and exchange, simplify information gathering, and offer fun and entertainment. However, there is also cause for concern. We experience various kinds of addictions such as cell phone and gaming addiction, fear job losses, encounter fake news, feel isolated and alienated, and much more.

Digital has two very different and contradictory sides. On the one hand, it holds the world together; on the other, it separates us from each other and from ourselves.

Imagine: it’s the year 2050, and we’re taking a journey through time that transports us (mentally) to the year 2050. What does looking into the crystal ball show us, what future do we see, what vision do we have?

We would like to talk to visitors at our stand about their hopes, wishes, worries and fears. Together we want to find out what significance human relationships, belonging, cohesion, social reliability and solidarity have in digital worlds. We will also consider what we can do to make a life-sustaining future more likely.