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Safe and Autonomous Drones (lecture cancelled due to illness)

The lecture is cancelled due to illness of the speaker

City skyways filled with drone-like vehicles have long been a common image in science fiction, and for many of us, a lifelong dream. A few years ago, the advent of small consumer drones brought our dream a little closer to reality. In the shadow of this initial hype, a growing number of people and organizations began to understand the tremendous potential of drones in industrial applications. Transportation, remote inspection, agriculture or public safety were just a few of the examples to emerge.

Why is it then that most people have never encountered a commercial drone in their everyday  life? We believe one of the last remaining barriers to the breakthrough of commercial drones is drone safety. Only when drones can fly truly autonomously, without posing a threat to the public or infrastructure, will we see their mass adoption. This is why we at SUIND decided to build software solutions for drone manufacturers that enable them to meet the highest safety standards.